Te Kaupapa Hapori Auaha ā-Rohe o Whakaoriori
The Creative Communities Scheme encourages community involvement, celebrates cultural diversity, and encourages young people to participate in arts activities. Applications can be made for things like exhibitions, workshops, personnel costs associated with short-term projects, artist development, arts promotion, and community participation.
Round 3 is now closed. Round 4 will open on 22 April and funding will be for projects commencing from 6 June 2025. An application form will be available here then.
The assessment committee is happy to help you with your application or answer any questions. Their contact details are below, or you can get in touch with the Grants Administrator by emailing: deannae@mstn.govt.nz
Successful applicants and their projects in the 2023/24 funding year were:
- Round 1 – StarJam Charitable Trust (Masterton Magical Movers Workshops)
- Round 2 – Christine Daniell (Outdoor Poems), Humorous Arts Charitable Trust Board (Saturday Laughs at the Copthorne Solway Park), King Street Artworks (Documentary Film), Jane Ross (Film Talks on Air), Wairarapa Youth Orchestra (Orchestra Showcase)
- Round 3 – Stefan Brown (Troubadour Singers), Keren Chiaroni (Dream Gardens Workshop), ConArt Gallery & Studio (Artist Studio Hire), Elevate Wairarapa Community Trust (Summer Hummer Youth Workshop), Every Body is a Treasure Trust (Finding Venus Experience and Visual Poetry Jam), New Zealand National Refugee Youth Council (Canvas of Dreams Youth Art Exploration), The Shady Mellow (Unearthing Youth Creative Art Workshops), Wai Knit (Wai Knit Retreat), Wairarapa Shakespeare (Regional Shakespeare Festival) and Wairarapa Youth Orchestra (The World of Disney Concert)
- Round 4 - Nicholas Brandon (Print Making Workshops), Manaia Kindergarten (Enhancing & Supporting Children’s Art), Wairarapa Women’s Centre (Aya & The Butterfly Production and Dungeons & Dragons Storytelling/role-playing) and Wairarapa Word (100 Days of Janet Frame)
Funding was also received from central government for the 2023/24 year to support festivals. Successful applicants and their festivals were:
- Round 1 – Wairarapa Reap (Wairarapa Schools Kapa Haka Festival) and Jane Ross (Filmmaking Workshops)
- Round 3 – Elevate Wairarapa Community Trust (2024 Summer Hummer Festival)