Annual Report
Find a full downloadable copy of all council annual reports. You request other annual reports from us directly.
A-Z Services
An alphabetical list of Council's services that you can search easily as a site index. Find rubbish, recycling, water and waste.
Civil Defence
Masterton has two local Wellington Region Emergency Management (WREMO) staff who are responsible for civil defence in the area.
Local body elections are held every 3 years. The elections are held under the provisions of the Local Electoral Act 2001.
Executive Leadership Team
The management team is a 9 person team to cover facilities management, communications, infrastructure, leadership, finance, regulatory services, mana whenua partnerships and strategic planning.
Fees, Charges and Contributions
See all of the fees and charges related to council services, planning and development in Masterton.
Have Your Say
Have your say and help us shape Masterton. This is your place to share your thoughts on what would make the ‘Best Little City’ even better.
Māori Ward
Masterton District Council will conduct a poll on its Māori ward during the local government elections in October.
Mayor and Councillors
The Masterton District Council has a Mayor and eight Councillors. These positions are elected every three years.
Council meetings are held every six weeks on a Wednesday. Special council meetings might also be called when needed.
See all of the latest news, media enquiries, and public notices from Masterton District Council.
Pay it Online
You can pay for lots of services online using a credit card or internet banking.
Plans and Strategies
Our plans and strategies guide how we operate in our community. These set our vision for the district are how it will be achieved.
Policies and Bylaws
Policies and bylaws are rules and regulations made by the Council, under national legislation, that affect how people live, work and play.
Council manages large infrastructure projects to improve and enhance our district. This includes roading, water and public spaces like the skatepark.
Summer Opening Hours
Council sites and facilities will have different operating hours over the summer holidays.
Work for Us
Working at Masterton District Council means being part of a team that delivers great services in one of New Zealand’s most beautiful districts.