Water main installation coordinated with road re-surfacing
Masterton District Council is coordinating the laying of a section of new water main alongside High Street, Masterton, with the NZ Transport Agency’s scheduled resurfacing work, to minimise disruption and cost.
The water main work, which will start on Monday 10 March, involves laying 500 metres of water main on the western side of SH2 (High Street), between Judds Road and Fleet Street. This section is scheduled for resurfacing in April by NZTA, which is responsible for state highways.
Water is currently provided to properties on the western side of the road through lateral connections running under the road to the main on the eastern side of High Street.
These are smaller diameter pipes and prone to leaks, which often requires costly and disruptive excavation of the road to repair.
“By installing a new main on the western side of the road, we will make laterals much more accessible, if required,” Council Three Waters Operations & Transition Manager Steve Watt said.
“We will be reinstating the site temporarily after the main is installed, but people will notice it being excavated again when NZTA carries out its work. To be clear, this is not the same work being re-done.”
Households will receive notice of temporary water outages necessary as part of the water main installation.
The Council intends taking a similar approach when NZTA schedules resurfacing of further sections of SH2.