Pot Holes
The Times-Age asked for information about potholes. The following information was provided, attributable to Roading Services Manager Kaine Jaquiery:
In the calendar year 2022, a total of 465 potholes were reported repaired by the Council’s roading contractor Higgins. This compares with 329 potholes repaired in 2021.
Note: In some cases, contractors may repair more than one pothole in close proximity, which may be included as one repair.
Weather conditions were particularly wet last year, and water is a key exacerbating factor in the deterioration of potholes.
The majority of repairs were the result of potholes being identified by roading crews inspecting the roads, rather than reports from the public.
A total of 117 reports of potholes were received from the public and passed to Higgins for action.