Our contractor, Elite Drainage, will be replacing the water network in Queen Street, Masterton.
- Start Date: Wednesday, 7 February 2024
- End Date (Approximately): Friday 29 March 2024
The work on Queen Street will be completed during the day, Monday to Friday, 7 am - 5 pm.
The work specifically in the Kuripuni Village area will happen at night, Sunday night to Friday morning, 7 pm - 7 am.
The start point is the intersection of Russel St and Queen St. The finish point is the intersection of Dixon St and Queen St.
During this period, the construction plant will be working on the south-bound lane and traffic flows will be affected. Access to individual properties will be limited as the excavation processes are undertaken.
Trenches excavated will be backfilled, plated or caged at the end of each working day to ensure site safety. Final surface reinstatement will be undertaken as each section of main is completed.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation