Long-Term Plan 2024-34
The Long Term Plan (LTP) is the Council’s main planning document. It outlines what Council plans to do over a 10-year period, and why we plan to do it.
Wairarapa Combined District Plan
The three Wairarapa District Councils have prepared a Combined District Plan under the Resource Management Act 1991. This guides how development happens in our District.
Annual Plan
Annual plans are usually produced in the years between the LTPs, giving us an opportunity to review and revise rates, budgets, projects and goals from those originally proposed in the LTP.
Climate Action Plan
The Climate Action Plan was created to help our district address climate change. It contains a range of actions and implementation ideas.
Long-Term Plan 2021-31
The Long Term Plan (LTP) is the Council’s main planning document. It outlines what Council plans to do over a 10-year period, and why we plan to do it.
Speed Management Plan
This Speed Management Plan supports our short-term and long-term road safety goals for the Masterton District.
Waste and Asset Management Plans
AMPs set out a 10-year programme for the management of specific groups of assets. The documents are reviewed cyclically (typically at least every three years) to ensure they remain relevant.
Water Conservation Plan
Masterton has a generally reliable and secure supply of water, but this varies depending on the season. Unless it’s managed carefully, demand can exceed supply during the summer months.