Wairarapa Youth Strategy
The Masterton, Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils (Wairarapa District Councils) have adopted Te Rautaki Rangatahi o Wairarapa: Wairarapa Youth Strategy. It is the first time all three councils have come together to develop a common vision for rangatahi across the Wairarapa.
The strategy highlights what is important to rangatahi and supports their development through the provision of services, facilities, and activities delivered by the Wairarapa District Councils. It is a lens that Councils can use when delivering to, or working with, rangatahi in the region across all the work we do. .
The Strategy sets out seven priorities that rangatahi in the Wairarapa region have identified and what council can do to respond to and support their needs and aspirations. Through priorities and actions, councils are striving to enhance the mana of rangatahi so that they have opportunities to grow, develop and reach their full potential.
While this Strategy focuses on all rangatahi, it acknowledges that one size does not fit all.
The Strategy is supported by implementation plans for each council and identifies a range of projects within them. The projects or initiatives identified for year 1 (2023/24) are within current financial baselines and planned work.