Headstones and Memorials
Ngā Kōhatu me ngā Maumaharatanga
If you would like to erect a memorial you will need to complete the Memorial Application Form (PDF, 85KB).
Decorations can be placed on the concrete beam next to headstones or plaques but not on the grass in front of, or behind the plot as we need to maintain and mow these areas.
The following measurements are for memorials in our cemeteries.
Berm: All concrete berm widths need to be between 650 and 1000mm.
The concrete base for all memorials needs to have a maximum height of 150mm above the highest point of the berm.
- Depth of the base can be a maximum of 400mm
- Insets for flowers in the base are encouraged
- You need a space of 150mm around the memorial base to the berm edge
- Memorials for single plots can be 1 metre wide
- Memorials for double plots can be 2 metres wide
- Memorials can be 1.2 metres high
- Memorials should be made from granite or another material approved by Council.
If you’d like to plant a tree, shrub or flowers in the cemetery grounds you will need to apply in writing. Council can remove, plant, prune and manage any trees, shrubs and flowers in the cemeteries.
Statues are only allowed in the monumental part of the Masterton Cemetery, and you will need to make an application to do this.
All vases and containers for flowers need to be in insets in the memorial base. Council can remove any neglected or broken vases, plants or flowers.
Grave goods need to be removed within 14 days of interment.
Cemtery staff maintain accessways to plots but memorials should be maintained by the family of the deceased. Council can make a monument or tablet safe, take it down or remove it if it’s dangerous to people visiting or working in the cemetery.
If a monument is neglected, Council will:
- Contact the family to give three months notice that it needs to be repaired or replaced.
- If we can’t find a family, we will advertise the name and address of the last known relative.
- We may remove a rundown or neglected monument if no one comes forward to fix it within three months.
If a memorial or tablet is erected without going through the correct process, Council has the right to remove it.