Nikau Heights - RM240141
Publicly Notified Consents
Public notice of an application for resource consent pursuant to Section 2AB, 95A, of the Resource Management Act 1991.
The Masterton District Councils Planning Department has received a resource consent application (RM240141) for subdivision consent for a 2-lot rural subdivision located at 24B Nikau Heights, Masterton (legally described as Lot 5 DP 76583).
Application documents may be downloaded below.
Application documents may also be inspected at Masterton District Council’s public office at 161 Queen Street, Masterton and Waiata House, 27 Lincoln Road, Masterton between 9:00am and 4pm Monday to Friday until the closing date for submissions. If you have any questions about the application, please contact or call (06) 370 6300.
Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant (or a surrogate of such) may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that—
(a) adversely affects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
Submissions can be made by sending a written submission on Form 13 – Submission on a Notified Resource Consent Application, and any supporting documents, addressed to Planning, Masterton District Council, PO Box 444, Masterton or by emailing electronic version of these documents to the Masterton District Council at
Copies of Form 13 – Submission on a Notified Resource Consent Application are available from the Masterton District Council at the above addresses.
A copy of any submission must also be sent to the following address for service of the applicant (as soon as reasonably practicable after service of the submission to the Council), either by written postal copy or emailed copy:
M and J D’Alton
c/- AdamsonShaw Ltd
PO Box 696
Masterton 5840
Attention: Lucy McWilliam
Submissions close at 4:00pm on 24th February 2025
Christine Chong
Date: 25th January 2025
Planning & Consents Manager - Masterton District Council