Mobility Parking
Tūnga Waka mā te Hunga Hauā
If you have a disability you can apply for a mobility parking permit or card. Visit the CCS site for more information about permits and how to apply.
If you are parked in a mobility spot your card needs to be clearly displayed on the dashboard with the membership number visible. This includes public and private car parks, like shopping malls, hospitals and supermarkets. Abuse of the concession can result in your membership being cancelled. If you’re given a ticket and your card hasn’t been displayed correctly, the infringement will stand.
A mobility card gives you 50% extra parking time per visit. For example, a vehicle parked in a P120 space will have 180 minutes of parking time and a vehicle parked in a P30 location can park for 45 minutes, provided the mobility card is displayed on the dashboard and visible from the outside of the vehicle.
If the mobility park is on a metered space you will still need to pay the parking meter and you will be entitled to an extra 50% of the time paid.