Applications open for 2025 Peter Laing Agriculture Trust grants
Applications are now open for Peter Laing Agriculture Trust grants, designed to assist young people who intend to follow a practical farming career.
Peter Laing was a Wairarapa farmer dedicated to agriculture, farming, and his community.
Grants can be used to pay for:
- practical training to help people enter the agricultural industry (e.g., through a cadet scheme, or certificate or diploma level of study)
- specialist equipment, such as a saddle, or buying a working dog, if people are starting a career in pastoral farming.
Applicants must be a resident in Wairarapa or have strong links with the region, and:
- have a focus on pastoral farming with a planned career path
- a strong desire to expand their knowledge and interest in agriculture.
Trustee Emily Crofoot said the grants had provided a boost to aspiring farmers for many years.
“Peter Laing had a real drive and passion for farming, and we want to continue to recognise and assist others to follow in his footsteps,” she said.
“Past recipients have gone on to become leaders in the farming community and we aim to continue that legacy by identifying and assisting people wanting to start careers in the industry.
“We aim to make the application process as straightforward as possible – anyone interested should certainly not be daunted by making application.”
Applications for a 2025 Peter Laing Agriculture Trust grant close at 4pm on Friday 8 November.
Application forms are available on the Council website, or at the Council’s offices at 161 Queen Street and 27 Lincoln Road, and Masterton District Library, 54 Queen Street.
Any questions about the grants can be sent to: