The Masterton District Council’s urban wastewater (sewage) treatment plant is located at Homebush, 4km to the east of Masterton.
Water Restrictions
As part of our resource consent to take drinking water from the Waingawa River, the Council is required to have a Water Conservation Management Plan.
Drinking Water
Masterton takes its drinking water from the Waingawa River under a resource consent from Greater Wellington District Council.
Local Water Done Well
The three Wairarapa district councils (Masterton, South Wairarapa, Carterton) and Tararua District Council (TDC) are exploring options for future water services delivery.
Rainwater Tanks
We recommend a rainwater Tank for your home. They can be used for garden watering and as an emergency water supply.
Stormwater is rainwater that falls onto land and buildings, runs into gutters and downpipes, soaks into the ground or runs off hard surfaces and into waterways or to land.
Water Meters
Water meters have been installed in about 7000 Masterton urban residential properties. They help to reduce consumption, identify leaks, and give water users better information about water use.