Engaging with our Community
Te whai wāhi atu ki tō tātou Hapori
Engaging with our community and getting your feedback is an essential part of our work.
Sometimes the way we engage with you is set by legislation (Local Government Act 2002), and there are many steps to follow. Sometimes we can choose how we engage and to what level.
Our Significance and Engagement Policy guides how we engage with communities about important Council decisions.
The significance of a topic also guides Council’s approach to consultation, including how it may be undertaken and how to include the people that are likely to affected by the decision. The more significant something is from the perspective of those who may be affected, the more likely Council will need to consult with them on their views.
Have Your Say
Council provides lots of opportunities for you to participate in the decision-making process.
One of the most important opportunities is through the Long-Term Plan consultation process – when Council may seek feedback from the public on:
- Council priorities
- services
- income and expenditure and
- funding tools.
Other formal consultations include:
- District Plan changes
- bylaw reviews and
- reserve management plan reviews.
We also run consultations outside of these opportunities.