Private Fence Damage
The Times-Age asked for details of a private fence damaged as a result of work at Riverside Cemetery. The following information was provided:
During work to clear foliage/vegetation as part of the current Riverside Cemetery refurbishment, which is turning it into an open, lawn-style cemetery, a falling branch dislodged and buckled a horizontal panel of corrugated iron in a section of a landowner’s fence.
Council staff have visited the landowner several times to apologise and discuss options for how the fence can be reinstated.
Surveying work is required to determine the boundary of the property before work can be carried out on the fence. This takes some time.
The Council’s procurement policy must also be followed to secure quotes for the fence.
When quotes have been received, the landowner will be offered options on the replacement style, and the extent of fence to be replaced. Costs will be determined in accordance with the Fencing Act.