Roadworks | Masterton Castlepoint Road
Road works on Masterton Castle Point Road for shoulder, drainage and pavement improvements between Masterton Castle Point Road RP 16.8 km and 17.775
WORK INVOLVES This process will be completed under STOP/GO to ensure we can get in do the work and get out with minimum disruption to the road user.
WHEN : Monday 10th of March and 4th April 2025
START AND FINISH: Between the hours of 0700 to 1830.
WEATHER: In the event of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances the work may be delayed until the next available fine day.
TRAFFIC CONTROL: STOP/GO will be in place up to 1830 to ensure we can get an uninterrupted go at the work and the end of each day allow time to remove unnecessary traffic management safely. If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to ask one of our staff om-site. The work area is at RP 16.8km and 17.775.
SAFETY: Please ensure that you stand well back, preferably from within your property boundary. Also please ensure all pets are well secured within your section during the work operations.
The Council has contracted Higgins Wairarapa to do this work. For further information about this project, please contact the person mentioned below or alternatively approach the supervisor on-site.
Gordon Hay
Project Manager
Higgins Wairarapa, Tel 027 289 7911